Define Phase DTMs Setting up DTMs to represent pit phases |
Define DTMs
To access this task:
Activate the Setup ribbon and select Phases| Define
Studio OP uses "Phase DTMs" within the process of constructing the mining reserve solids. A phase DTM is an open wireframe surface that represents an individual phase within a pit. This could represent a pushback or the state of the pit at a particular time period, for example.
This panel is used to define how many phases your pit contains, and how each phase geometry is generated. Phases can be generated using two distinct methods, and this panel is used to indicate which:
- Manual: you already have string data that represents each phase. This approach allows you to create and name each phase you wish to define within the specified pit. Later, you can specify the string or DTM data that represents each phase, as part of the Add DTMs managed Reserves Workflow task.
- Use Model: in this case, you wish to define your phases according to strategic planning data already found in the defined planning model.
For example: if phase perimeter strings have been created externally, and you wish to use them in preference to the phase zone boundaries in the model, you can create phase names here and associate them with the string data later. The same applies if you already have DTM data available. This "manual" data may be in the form of contours that have been generated from a strategic model, or they may represent a more detailed pit design that has been created in Studio OP or elsewhere.
You can Add (add to the bottom of the list) Insert (add below the current selection) or Delete phases as required, and can also shift one or more phases up and down the list (and subsequently, up or down the top-bottom order of the pit).
Phase DTMs are used with the pit surface topography to generate Phase Solids, and they are also used as a basis for regional slope control, contour generation, road layout experimentation and automated pit design.
In summary, this panel is used to define the DTMs to be generated for your project. 3D phase data will be generated later, either as part of a pit design task, or a reserves task.
Naming and renaming Phase DTMs
Each phase will, by default be automatically named using the convention P#Pit number#_PH#Phase Number#, e.g. "P1_PH2" would be the 2nd phase in pit 1. You can override this behaviour by disabling the Auto check box next to each defined phase.
Field Details:
Pit: select the pit to which your phase DTMs will belong.
Phase Table: the main table at the bottom of the panel shows any previously-defined phases, showing:
Phase: the phase index number.
Name: an automatically-calculated phase name (by default - you can edit this field afterwards if you wish).
Model Value: if the Use Model option is selected (see below) this is the value within the input planning model's phase attribute that has been used to segregate phase information in the table. If the Manual option is selected, this column will show "-".
Manual: select this option to create your own list of phases that will be generated later (as part of theAdd DTMsReserves workflow task, using input string/perimeter data and not based on cells within the input planning model). The following tools are available for defining a phase:
Delete: delete the selected phase DTM definition(s) from the table.
Add: add a new phase DTM definition row to the table, with no string or DTM details.
Insert: inject a new phase DTM definition row below the selected (or last selected) row.
Up/Down: move one or more selected phase DTM definitions up or down the list, changing their order in the top-bottom ordering of the pit.
- If phase information is defined manually - the Shell Contours task will display a Value drop-down is provided to allow you to select the key field value for the model that will be used to construct an isosurface. This is displayed as the model key field value will not be known when the task is opened.
Use Model: selecting this option will replace existing phase data with information found in the input model (as defined as part of the Define Planning Model task). The phase will then represent the boundary of the zone described by the input planning model's unique attribute value.
If enabled, phases will be defined according to the unique values found in the attribute assigned as the "Optimised phase" or (if that isn't found) either a "Mining Phase" or "LG Phase" field assignment in the model.
You will need to confirm this action as any prior phase information will be removed before being replaced with model-sourced information. If you select this option, select Initialize to interrogate the model and define phase information. Once initialized, the table will be updated. These phases can then be selected, for example, as part of the managed pit design tasks.
- If phase information is defined automatically - no Value drop-down list is displayed in the Shell Contours task as the phase and key field value are already known.
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Open Pit Mine Design Manage Pits Define Planning Model Manage Topography Shell Contours |
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