Tutorial Files List

A list of files used in the open pit design tutorial exercises.

File Locations

Assuming that a default installation has been performed, all sample files referenced by this tutorial can be found under:

  • C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine

  • C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine\OPM

These folders contain native Datamine format files (*.dm). Please note that these folders contain many files and that only the files listed in the table below are relevant to this tutorial.

File Names and Descriptions

The following table contains a list of the relevant files used in this tutorial. Each entry lists the existing Sample File Name, the suggested User File Name and a file Description. They are grouped according to the name of the folder in which the files are located.

Sample File Name

User File Name








Strings - contours method; toes, ramps and adjusted crests to 240m



Strings - contours method; toes, ramps and crests to 100m



Strings - contours method; toes, ramps and adjusted crests to -20m



Strings - contours method; toes, ramps and adjusted crests to 100m



Strings - contours method; toe contours and ramp design string



Strings - contours method; toe and ramp outline



Strings - contours method; ramp outline and adjusted -40m toe



Strings - contours method; ramp outline and adjusted 80m toe



Strings - contours method; toe contours



Block model - waste and grade model extending beyond the limits of the design pit (used for evaluation)



Block model - ultimate pit output from NPV Scheduler

_vb_npvssurfpt.dm  / _vb_npvssurftr.dm


Wireframes - ultimate pit output from NPV Scheduler



Strings - the open pit design base perimeter at -40m elevation



Strings - quickpit method; toes, ramps and crests up to 260m elevation



Strings - quickpit method; toes, ramps and crests up to 20m elevation



Strings - quickpit method; ramp, crest and toe up to -20m elevation (lowest bench)



Strings - quickpit method; ramp, crest and adjusted toe up to -20m elevation (lowest bench)



Strings - quickpit method; ramp, crest and adjusted toe up to 80m elevation (TAG, RDFLAG absent)



Strings - quickpit method; ramp, crest and adjusted toe up to 80m elevation (TAG, RDFLAG present)



Strings - quickpit method; switchback



Results - evaluation results for the design pit and ultimate pit



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench -20 (lowest bench)



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench 0 (lowest two benches)



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench 0 (lowest two benches)



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench 200



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench 220



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design for bench 260



Strings - the toe-ramp open pit design including crests up to bench 260 (top bench)



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design trimmed to topography



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 0



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design for bench -20 (lowest bench)



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 70



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 80



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 110



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 140



Strings - the toe-ramp-crest open pit design up to top of bench 240

_vb_trc_pit240pt.dm / _vb_trc_pit240tr.dm

trc_pit240pt / trc_pit240tr

Wireframes - toe-ramp-crest pit, untrimmed to topography



Strings - toe-ramp-crest open pit and topography wireframes intersection

_vb_trc_PitTopopt.dm / _vb_trc_PitTopotr.dm

trc_PitTopopt / trc_PitTopotr

Wireframes - merged pit and topography







Block Model - ultimate pit

_vb_npvssurfpt.dm / _vb_npvssurftr.dm


Wireframes - ultimate pit shell surface

_vb_stopopt.dm / _vb_stopotr.dm


Wireframes - topography surface


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Tutorial Exercises List