Export 3D Templates

To access this screen:

  • Display the Templates tab of any 3D object properties screen and select one or more templates in the list and click Export.

Control how 3D display templates are exported. You can either export to a standalone 3D window template file (.3dtpl) or as a Plots template to update plot sheet projections in the current or any other project.

Note: template settings are stored in the project. Different projects can have different default templates, for example. You can share templates across multiple projects by exporting and importing template files.

To export a 3D display template:

  1. Create a 3D display template.

  2. On the Templates tab, select the template to export.

  3. Click Export.

    The Export Templates screen displays.

  4. Choose the type of template you want to export:

    • File—specify or navigate to a file location on disk and select to save either a .3dtpl or .tpl file. Note that .3dtpl files are specific to the 3D window whereas a .tpl file will allow the template to be ready by the Datamine Format Display dialog (e.g. as part of using the legacy Design window, for instance).

    • Plots—if you have plots templates active within your project, you can update them using this option. If selected, you have further options to handle a situation should a template with the same name be found within the project:

      • Replace the existing template—remove the existing template information and replace it with the exported details.

        Give the new template a unique name—use your existing template information alongside the existing plots template information, renaming the new templates.

      • Discard—do not adjust the existing plots template information and discard the new information.

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