classify-categories ("clc")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Using the command line, enter "classify-categories".

  • Use the quick key combination "clc".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate classify-categories and click Run.

Command Overview

This command allows you to classify categories into classes for scheduling.

For example; you have five categories in a results file generated when doing evaluations; WASTE, LOWGRADE, MARGINAL, HIGHGRD and VHIGH. When scheduling, entries are put into the schedule file for each of these categories. It is possible to combine them into classes when examining the results in the blocks or schedule panels. For example WASTE and LOWGRADE could be given a classification of WASTE, MARGINAL a classification of LEACHPAD and HIGHGRD and VHIGH a classification of ORE.

The toggle in the bottom left corner of the screen lets you change between viewing the data by category or class. The state of this switch does not affect what is written to files but offers another way of viewing the data in the results and schedule file.

There can be as many classes as there are categories.