connection-on-grade ("cog")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
Surfaces ribbon >> Condition >> Condition >> Connect on Gradient.
Digitize ribbon >> Condition >> Condition >> Connect on Gradient
Using the command line, enter "connection-on-grade"
Use the quick key combination "cog".
Display the Find Command screen, locate connection-on-grade and click Run.
Command Overview
Generates a connection string between a 3D point and any points on a string which produce a predesignated angle, if possible.
Command steps:
Load your landmark point and string data. The point data represents the start of the connection string to be created, and the loaded string the destination.
Run the connection-on-grade command.
Specify the gradient of the new connecting string in degrees, to be formed between the initial point and the selected string, by entering a numeric (positive or negative) numeric value into the Gradient of Strings (degrees) field.
Click OK.
A connection string is formed between the original point and destination string if such a connection is possible.
The units and up/down convention can be modified with the set-gradient-convention command.
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