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Design ribbon | Slope | New Rosette


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Define new rosette (projection angles by azimuth ranges).

How to use

You are asked to select with the cursor a location for the new rosette. The current view plane orientation must be in plan, (zero dip), to select this location. When the location has been selected it is marked on the screen. You first enter a minimum and maximum Z value to define the range of influence of this rosette. You then define a series of azimuth ranges together with a value for the face angle and berm width for each of these ranges. Each new rosette is stored in the current rosette file. If a current rosette file is not open when the command is invoked then it will be prompted for. If a file with the entered name does not exist it will be created. The rosette values can be used when projecting strings with the project string commands within your application. If a rosette is available it overrides the default face angle. If a cell model file is open and contains a SLOPE field and the use of the SLOPE field is turned on this will take priority over the rosette and default face angle.