dtm-create ("md")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
Surfaces ribbon >> Operations >> DTMs.
Using the command line, enter "dtm-create"
Use the quick key combination "md".
Display the Find Command screen, locate dtm-create and click Run.
Command Overview
Generate a digital terrain model (DTM) wireframe from a series of strings. This command has the following capabilities:
Choice of full object input and/or individual strings and points
Ability to create dtm attributes from input data attributes
Optional creation of spur strings to avoid plateaus on ridges and valleys
Optional automatic best-fit DTM plane in addition to world and view plane options
Automatic nesting of boundary limit strings
Boundary Strings
Care should be exercised when creating a DTM using view coordinates rather than world (XY) coordinates.
For example, if the plan view is in use, but the view direction is set to a significantly different orientation, unexpected results can occur. For this reason, if you have configured a view direction with this type of deviation from the world plane, particular care should be taken in the definition of inner/outer limit strings.
For more detailed information on this command and its associated wizard, see Make DTM.
Command steps:
Run the command.
The Make DTM wizard displays.
Fill in the required settings and click Next to proceed to next stage of the wizard. For more information on individual settings, see Make DTM.
Select the points and strings to be used to create the digital terrain model.
Click Next.
Select boundary strings (if required) from the displayed list of objects. All loaded string objects are listed.
Note: if an open string is selected, it will be automatically closed (temporarily) to form a boundary.
Click Next.
A new DTM (wireframe) object is created and displayed in the primary 3D window.
Click Finish.
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