insert-point-segment-center ("ipsc")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Home ribbon >> Edit >> Insert Points >> Insert at Center.

  • Surfaces ribbon >> Design >> Insert Points >> Insert at Center.
  • Edit ribbon >> Edit >> Insert Points >> Insert at Center.

  • Digitize ribbon >> Edit >> Insert Points >> Insert at Center.

  • Using the command line, enter "insert-point-segment-center"

  • Use the quick key combination "ipsc".

  • Display the Find Command screen, locate insert-point-segment-center and click Run.

Command Overview

Creates a point at the mid-point of a selected string segment. You can pre-select string data to constrain the strings into which points can be added, otherwise, any strings can be modified.

Point Depth Interpolation

Inserting points in a 2D graphical environment (computer screen) when working in 3D space, requires the interpolation of a third dimension. The position of the point is calculated as a mean interpolation of neighbouring screen points, for example.

For example, suppose the 3D window's view plane is horizontal at an elevation of zero. Suppose also there is a string with each of its Z coordinates at 10. If a point is inserted then its Z coordinate will be added at an elevation of 10.

Command steps:

  1. Select the required string.

  2. Run the command.

  3. Click to place the new points.

  4. Click Done.

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