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Creates a wireframe link between a perimeter (closed string) and a string.

How to Use

  1. In the Current Objects toolbar, select or create a new current wireframe object.

  2. Run the command.

  3. Following the prompts in the Status Bar, select a point on the first string.

  4. Select a point on the second string.

In the example below, this command is used to link the top string with the underlying perimeter; the remaining perimeters are linked using link-strings, while the bottom perimeter is closed using end-link:

note.gif (1017 bytes)


The final wireframe volume would look like this:

note.gif (1017 bytes)



note.gif (1017 bytes)
  • To close a shape off at a line to form a wedge requires that both strings are closed. This command will duplicate all points on the line effectively closing it. This point duplication is carried out internally prior to linking.

  • An error is reported if both of the selected strings are either open or closed.

  • If the line is specified with the minimum number of points, then additional points can be generated in the link with the new point separation (dtm-new-point-separation) command to improve the triangle shape.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics

