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Surfaces ribbon | Current Wireframe | Move Point


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Interactively move points in a wireframe.

How to Use

  1. In the Current Objects toolbar, select the required wireframe.

  2. Run the command.

  3. Select a wireframe point to be moved.

    note.gif (1017 bytes)

    There are two types of point selection, movement and placement mechanisms available:

    • click-click

      • left-click to select/place without snapping to a point/object (Note: left-click places the point on the Design view plane/current VR section)

      • right-click to select/place by snapping to a point/object

    • click-and-drag

      • left-click-drag to move a point without snapping (Note: left-click-drag places the point on the Design view plane/current VR section)

      • right-click-drag to move a point with snapping

      • the snapping mode may be changed during a drag by alternating the mouse button pressed (ensuring that both are not released, as this would indicate the end of the drag).


    The snapping behaviour is governed by defined snap and data selection settings, these are available in the Snapping toolbar or Menu Bar:

    • Edit | Snapping | ...

    • Edit | Selection | ....


  4. Select the new location for the wireframe point.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all required points have been moved.

  6. Click Cancel.

note.gif (1017 bytes)
  • Select this command, then a wireframe point to move the vertex whilst maintaining the overall wireframe integrity, e.g.:



  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics



