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Define how field values are treated when mining units are scheduled.

How to use

This command defines how values in the results are treated when units are scheduled within the Interactive Production Sequencing (IPS) module. Fields can be defined to behave in one of three ways. These are:

  • Additive

  • Copied

  • Weighted

    An example of a field that is likely to be additive is TONNES. When a block is scheduled the TONNES value in that block is added to the TONNES value already in the destination to which that block is scheduled.

    An example of a field that is copied is BLOCKID. The values are not altered when they are scheduled but are copied to the schedule file.

    An example of a weighted field is a grade field. If you specify a field to be weighted you are also asked to define the weighting field. eg if AU is defined as weighted, TONNES may be specified as the weighting field.

    Default field treatment is defined by your application. This command will need to be used to define the treatment for extra non-standard fields which are not grade fields.