set-snap-grid-switch ("stg")

See this command in the command table.

To access this command:

  • Home ribbon >> Snap >> Snap >> Snap To Grid.

  • Home ribbon >> Snapping >> Snap Mode >> Snap to Grid.

  • Digitize ribbon >> Snap >> Snap to Grid.

  • Use the quick key combination "stg".

  • Using the command line, enter "set-snap-grid-switch".

  • On the Find Command screen, highlight set-snap-grid-switch and click Run.

Command Overview

Set snap mode to snap to grids. If enabled, the right-mouse button is used the cursor will be set at the X Y and Z coordinate of a grid point defined by the grid increment numbers on the dialogue panel. These can be changed by selecting them with the cursor and typing in a new value from the keyboard. The origin of the grid is initially at (0,0,0) but can also be reset.

If the grid increment for an axis is set at zero no snapping will be done in that direction. Thus if the increments are X=10, Y=5 and Z=0, when the right-mouse button is used the cursor will be set at coordinates such as (30,15,34.23) and (400,255,87.56), depending upon the current view plane settings.

Command steps:

  1. Run the command.

  2. Run the required, relevant design commands which would make use of this snap mode e.g. new-string.