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Wireframe smoothing allows you to minimize severe changes in edge direction throughout a wireframe surface, or part of a surface, creating a less angular, more rounded structure.

No data is lost with this operation; the same number of vertices are present before and after the operation, although some may have been repositioned. You can use this command as often as is required to generate the required effect, by setting the number of "passes". Each pass represents one iteration of the smoothing process across the entire wireframe surface.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. If you're planning to smooth only a portion of a wireframe, you can either select triangles (in any object or objects) before running the command or after, but before execution.

  2. Run the command

  3. Enter the relevant details into the Smooth Wireframe dialog.

  4. Click OK to smooth the selected wireframe surface.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Wireframe Smooth Dialog
Selecting Wireframe Data