Project Settings - Data Display

Optional display settings for Studio 3

Data Display Settings

To access this dialog:

This screen, part of the Project Settings dialog, is used to manage project updates and scripting files, and contains the following fields:  

Field Details:

Display Cursor Crosshairs: this option, if enabled, will draw crosshairs, extending from the cursor position along the X, Y and Z axes when the cursor is in the legacy Designwindow drawing area. For example, in plan view, the cursor crosshairs will only show X and Y axes e.g.:

whereas, if a non-orthogonal view is shown, all 3 axes will be represented, e.g.:

note.gif (1017 bytes)

When cursor crosshairs are being viewed from a non-orthogonal perspective, the grid lines show the X, Y and Z positions as projected onto the view plane. If you consider a single grid line at say X = 25, as you move the cursor along that grid line the X coordinate will be at X = 25 on the view plane.

The cross hairs show the X, Y and Z directions in world space, not as projected onto the view plane, hence they do not necessarily align with a grid, if one is displayed.


Grid Character Size: selecting this option displays the Character Size Settings dialog, allowing you to change the way text is displayed on the grid overlay.

Symbols: set the default size of symbols to be displayed in the 3D window here.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


The Project Settings dialog