Advanced Estimation - Format

Managing loaded variogram models

Advanced Estimation - Fit Models - Format

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Advanced Estimation dialog, select the Fit Models menu item. Select the Format tab on the right-hand side of the panel.

This panel, part of the Fit Models menu, can be used to format the visual properties of your variogram, as displayed in the centre of the panel.

This panel is only visible if Supervisor data is not being imported. You decide this using the Scenario Setup screen.

The variogram model control points on the variogram chart display can be moved interactively using click-and-drag actions; the cursor changes to indicate the permitted movement direction(s). These depend on the type of model control that has been selected and the defined model fitting settings, and change the parameters as follows:

  • Nugget Variance point: move the point vertically up/down to increase/decrease the value, if permitted.

  • Spatial Variance/Range points: move the point(s) vertically up/down to increase/decrease the spatial variance value(s), if permitted.

  • Spatial Variance/Range points: move the point(s) horizontally right/left to increase/decrease the range value(s), if permitted.

The variogram model parameter values can be restricted using the Manual Fitting options on this panel, and you can also access summary information contained in various expanding tabs, as explained below. The upper section of the panel - Manual Fitting - allows you to define controls when manually positioning model line anchor points.


These fields provide constraints on the movement of the control points.

Lock total sill: select this to fix the upper sill of the model at its current level.  Moving the control point for the highest structure will then only change the range.  Moving control points for other structures (if any) will change the spatial variances (Ci values).

Lock nugget: select this option to lock the defined nugget.

Lock sills: select this option to lock the current sills.

Lock ranges: select this to keep the current range values. Moving control points will then only change the spatial variances.


The options shown in theAnnotationandAxesareas apply to all charts whereas the color selection in the Series area is selected for each variogram direction.

Otherwise, you can control which labels appear on the model display using the following options:

Title: the main variogram chart title is automatically generated by default, using the syntax "Variogram(s) for #Property Name#". You can edit it to whatever you wish by replacing the default text. You can also edit the font size (in points) using the up and down arrow on the right.

X-axis, Y-Axis: enter a description for your X- and/or Y-axis here. As above, you can also edit the font size.

Choose how the chart axes are presented using these:

Axes: this group of controls allows you to define the range for the vertical and horizontal axis. By default, all values are included, and the axes are scaled accordingly, but you can edit the value for each axis independently by disabling the Auto check box and entering whichever maximum value you want (this may be useful. You can also define the chart interval spacing.

Control general display options here:

Display number of pairs: tick the box to display the number of samples pairs for each variogram point in the main graphics area.

Normalize: you can also choose to normalize the data points if you wish.

Display Variance: display an additional line on the selected graph showing the Variance. Pick your own colour.

You can also embed variogram parameters onto each plot by selecting Display Model Parameters. If selected, the variable, structure type, sill value, nugget and XYZ range values will be added to the selected plot, e.g.:

Series: this lists the available charts in the current series, the number of which will correspond to the number of selections in the variogram selector on the left of the dialog. To change the formatting of a particular series (whether it is displayed in the main chart region or not), select it and use the Experimental or Model options to change its appearance.

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