Navigation Toolbar

The Navigation toolbar contains general 3D data viewing commands. It can be moved, floated, customized or docked. See Customizing Control Bars.

The Navigation toolbar's default arrangement of commands is as follows:

Pan view mode
Zoom view mode
Spin view mode
Zoom in by defining box
Zoom all data
Zoom all data as a plan view
Zoom all data looking North
Zoom all data looking East
Zoom all data looking South
Zoom all data looking West
Show/hide interactive section editor
Define section about single point
Define section about two points
Define section about three points
Snap to plane toggle
Set active section orientation to horizontal
Set active section orientation to a North-South alignment
Set active section orientation to an East-West alignment
Set the orientation of the section
Widen section corridor
Narrow section corridor
No clipping
Clip data in front of the section
Clip data behind the section
Clip data outside the section corridor
Use secondary clipping
Adjust view plane by specified distance
Move plane backward
Move plane forward
Move to the previous parallel section line
Move to the next parallel section line
Align view orthogonally to the current section
Lock view orthogonally to the current section

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