Output Control Bar

Viewing the results of processes

Output Control Bar

The Output control bar is used to view the results and reports of some application rocesses, such as querying the current filters used, or querying a specific item of data using the Reportribbon's menu options.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

The standard Windows hotkey <Ctrl>+<C> can be used to copy any text selected in this control bar.



  1. Select the Output control bar tab. If this tab is not currently visible, select theViewribbon'sActivate | Output Baroption

  2. Select the menu command theFormatribbon'sFilter | Reportcommand..

  3. Each loaded object is now listed in the Output control bar along with any associated filter expressions that may exist, e.g.:

As another example:

  1. Select the Output control bar tab. If this tab is not currently visible, select theViewribbon'sActivate | Output Baroption

  2. Select theHomeribbon'sQuery | Report | Pointoption.

  3. Information relating to the selected point is now listed in the Output control bar, e.g.: