Macro Command Help


SCREEN (create-formatted-macro-prompts)


Menu Location


Access using command line only



Formatted screen command for menu and macro interaction.

How to use

The !SCREEN command provides a comprehensive set of tools for the user to develop full screen handling during macro and menu operations.  This includes features such as pop-up menus and pick lists, with mouse, function key and keyboard control.  In particular it includes:

  • Selection of an item from a menu.  A substitution variable may be set to the value of the selected menu item, and an optional macro command executed.  Each menu item may have a different macro command.

  • Entry of values to a series of prompts according to a specified format.

  • Immediate validation of entered values.

  • Optional display and selection in a pop-up window of valid answers generated from a coded list of answers or values from a field in a file.

  • Special handling for YES/NO answers.

  • Optional separate help and error messages for all items.

  • Easy selection of items from a list of values and saving them in an output file.

  • Display of arbitrary messages on the screen.

  • Function key selection of common actions, including running other commands, and user defined function key actions.

  • Text formatting options to control justification, centering, spacing and text attributes.

  • Operation by the keyboard and mouse.