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SCREEN (create-formatted-macro-prompts)
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Formatted screen command for menu and macro interaction.
How to use
The !SCREEN command provides a comprehensive set of tools for the user to develop full screen handling during macro and menu operations. This includes features such as pop-up menus and pick lists, with mouse, function key and keyboard control. In particular it includes:
Selection of an item from a menu. A substitution variable may be set to the value of the selected menu item, and an optional macro command executed. Each menu item may have a different macro command.
Entry of values to a series of prompts according to a specified format.
Immediate validation of entered values.
Optional display and selection in a pop-up window of valid answers generated from a coded list of answers or values from a field in a file.
Special handling for YES/NO answers.
Optional separate help and error messages for all items.
Easy selection of items from a list of values and saving them in an output file.
Display of arbitrary messages on the screen.
Function key selection of common actions, including running other commands, and user defined function key actions.
Text formatting options to control justification, centering, spacing and text attributes.
Operation by the keyboard and mouse.