Advanced Estimation - Estimate Angles

Interpolating angle data to establish trends for estimation

Estimate Angles

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Advanced Estimation dialog, select the Select Prototype menu item. Select the Estimate Angles tab on the right-hand side of the panel.

The Advanced Estimation console can be used to interpolate angle data between recorded 3D data points and convey this trend information during grade estimation. This helps with the estimation as trends will be used to encourage interpolation in one or more directions.

Angle Data can be interpolated between known 3D points. Typically, this Angle Data takes the form of a Datamine points file, with each record containing (in addition to 3D coordinates), an attribute representing the known dip of the trend (e.g. TRDIP) and the dip direction (e.g. TRDIPDIR) at that point. Any number of angles can be specified within the file. Once a file has been selected, your application will attempt to map the coordinate fields to known/expected descriptions. You can adjust these assignments using the X/Y/Z drop-down lists if you need to.

Angle data is then interpolated. Interpolation is performed independently, i.e. there is no correlation between angles. These interpolated angle values are then added to the Model with angles block model file when the Estimate Angles button is pressed.

Once an angle-estimated model exists, you can use it as an input to the estimation process by selecting the check box next to the Model with angles field, e.g.:

If the Model with angles check box is not selected, the Input model will be used instead (which may or may not contain interpolated angle information).

This check box can't be selected until an angle-estimated model has been generated, or a previously-generated angle model selected using the browse button provided.

You can interpolate angles using either an Inverse Power of Distance (IPD) or Nearest Neighbour (NN) calculation. If the IPD method is chosen, a Power can also be set, and you can also set up discretization further below.

You can also choose to interpolate angular information with respect to a geological zones indicated by the input Angle data file. You do this by enabling the Restrict to matching zones check box and choosing Zone 1 and, optionally Zone 2. A zone can be picked using any field in the input trend points object. These zones are entirely independent of the zones optionally specified using the Define Custom Zones panel,which reflects zonal information imparted by the input sample data.

By default, angular data will be interpolated for each parent cell in the output model, however, if sub-cell estimation is being performed, you can choose to estimate directional data into each sub-cell.

Only available for the IPD method, cell discretization lets you define a discretization value in each axis.

For either estimation method, you can also choose the search parameters:

Distance (Isotropic): the distance used to generate interpolated angular values. Higher values will tend to calculate more general angular trends, although this is highly sensitive to the input points data.

Minimum/Maximum samples: the minimum or maximum number of samples within the search scope required to estimate an angle.

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Angular estimation can be imported using the Parameters panel.

You can also export estimation parameters containing interpolated angle parameters, using the Parameters panel.


To generate an angle model, the following must be specified:

  • An angle data source has been specified, along with the appropriate coordinate and angle fields.

  • An Input model has been defined on the left side of the screen.

Until these are defined, the Estimate Angles button will remain disabled.

Once an angular estimation has been generated (using Estimate Angles), the Model with angles field will update to display the name of the generated model, overwriting any previous model name that may already exist. Once a model has been generated, it can be selected and used as an input to grade estimation by enabling the Model with angles field check box.

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