The Schmidt Projection

An overview of the Schmidt or Equal Area projection

Schmidt Projection

The basis for all projection techniques is the imaginary reference sphere of radius R, positioned with its center at the center of the area of projection. Consider a line oriented with the trend (a) and plunge (b), and positioned so that it passes through the center of a reference sphere. If this line is extended, it will pierce the perimeter of the reference sphere at two points: P on the lower hemisphere and Q on the upper hemisphere. If you consider one point on the lower hemisphere, P, it can be projected on to the horizontal plane by a number of methods; two of which are available to Stereonet users; equal angle, or equal area projections. The specific types of these projections are Schmidt as the method for equal area projection and Wulff as the equal angle method.

A Schmidt projection is a Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection of the lower hemisphere of a sphere onto the plane of a meridian.

For the equal area projection, the given line of trend a and downward plunge b will again intersect the lower reference sphere at point P'. This point is projected by swinging it in a vertical plane through a circular arc centered at B, located at distance R vertically below O, to point P''. P'' is projected to P, where the arc intersects the lower reference hemisphere, then in a straight line extension of the chord P'' - P' on the plane of projection (horizontal plane). For this projection, the relationship between r, the radial distance of point P from O, and b is given by:

To compare Wulff (equal angle) and Schmidt (equal area) projections:

(Reference: Rock Slope Stability by Charles A. Kliche published 1999 by SME)

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