Format Landmark Symbols

Note: A Datamine eLearning course is available that covers functions described in this topic. Contact your local Datamine office for more details.

There are two types of drillhole overlay symbols; landmark symbols and structural symbols.

The following activity describes how to display landmark symbols. These have a fixed location and represent key positions that identify the direction of the drillhole and how it is positioned with respect to a 3D display section. Collar and end-of-hole positions, for example, are drillhole landmark positions.

Drillhole landmark points

This activity references controls in the Symbols command group of the Drillholes Properties: Symbols screen.

Activity steps

  1. Display drillhole data in any 3D view and display the Drillholes Properties: Symbols screen.
  2. To display a symbol at the Collar, Section plane pierce point, Section plane entry and exit or End of hole:

    1. Check the landmark position to display (you can display none or any).

    2. For each checked landmark symbol, specify the Size.

    3. Choose how the size value will be interpreted using the menu to choose either World (Size = world measurement units) or Screen (Size = pixels).

      Note: World-scaled symbols will scale with the view but Screen-scaled symbols will be shown at the same size regardless of the view magnification.

    4. Pick a Symbol to display:

      1. Choose a symbol collection using the menu provided. Symbol collections can vary between products. See Symbols.

      2. Pick a monochrome symbol.

    5. If required, choose a custom colour. If unchecked, the system default colour will be used.

      1. Check the Color box.

      2. Expand the colour menu to pick a colour.

  3. To display Sample ticks (the point at which a new core sample begins) or Depth intervals (markers at fixed distances down the hole):
    1. Check the appropriate item.
    2. Choose if the ticks or markers will appear to the Left, Centre or Right of the drillhole. This represents the initial display; ticks or markers will rotate with the data if view changes are made.
    3. Choose how the size value will be interpreted using the menu to choose either World (Size = world measurement units) or Screen (Size = pixels).

    4. If defining Depth intervals, specify the distance between intervals using the Every field.

    5. Pick a Symbol to display:

      1. Choose a symbol collection using the menu provided. Symbol collections can vary between products. See Symbols.

      2. Pick a monochrome symbol.

    6. If required, choose a custom colour. If unchecked, the system default colour will be used.

      1. Check the Color box.

      2. Expand the colour menu to pick a colour.

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