project-string-onto-wf-limit ("ptl")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
Digitize ribbon >> Project >> String to Wireframe with Limits.
Using the command line, enter "project-string-onto-wf-limit"
Use the quick key combination "ptl".
Display the Find Command screen, locate project-string-onto-wf-limit and click Run.
Command Overview
Project a string onto a wireframe using minimum and maximum distances to constrain up and down projections.
Tip: Preselecting multiple strings allows you to run this command for all selected strings.
Command steps:
Load and display at least one wireframe and string.
Select the string or strings to be projected, and run the command.
In the Command toolbar, type in the corresponding value for each of the following prompts, and press ENTER after each:
Minimum Down Distance
Maximum Down Distance
Minimum Up Distance
Maximum Up Distance
The string projects onto loaded wireframe data, honouring the projection constraints.
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