Copy from Object(s)

Choosing data with which to append the selected object

Copy from Object(s)

To access this dialog:

  • In the Sheets control bar, right-click any 3D data object and select Copy Data From...

  • In the Loaded Data control bar, right-click any 3D data object and select Copy Data From...

  • In the Project Data control bar, right click an object in the Loaded Objects folder and select Copy Data From...

Provides a list of available data objects from which data will be copied into the target object.

Data can be added from one or more objects of the same data type, including any previously-appended objects. Data will be merged in the top-bottom order shown.

You can select individual data objects using the corresponding check box or, use the global (de)select check box at the top of the table for global selection and de-selection of all listed objects.

All attributes from all objects will exist in the modified object.

Click Copy to update the target object or Cancel to close the dialog without changes.

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The Loaded Data Control BarThe Sheets Control BarCombine Data Objects