Import Files

Specifying file import parameters

Import Files

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Data ribbon and select Import to Project

  • Right-click a file or folder in the Project Files control bar and select Add >> Import Files.

  • Right-click the database or Project Files folder in the Project Data control bar and select Add >> Import Files.

Import data from a non-Datamine source.

Specify additional parameters as part of the data import process. When a file is imported, it is first subjected to the functions of the relevant data source driver, which prepare the file for loading. In effect, they 'translate' the incoming file into a format recognizable by your application. This information is then contained within a 'link' file. This file provides the hub connection between the original data source and your application.

The Import Files screen is shown as the final step in the import process and contains three tabs, each suited to a specific import-related purpose:

  • Files: this tab is used to define the names of the resulting data files to be added to the current project.

  • Fields: contains options to filter any non-essential incoming data on a field-by-field basis, and options for specifying the display legends to use to display the incoming data.

  • Rename Fields: as Datamine file data columns are restricted to 24 characters in length, it may be necessary to shorten incoming field names to provide a smooth transitional process during import. All fields being imported that are over 24 characters in length will be automatically 'trimmed' (characters will be removed from the end of the field until 24 characters is achieved), and you can opt to rename any incoming field (this may be useful if the default output for one application is synonymous with a particular table field, for example).


The mappings specified in the Rename Fields tab are applied whenever a file is saved to Datamine's native format, and not just when it is saved in the Import Files routine.

Original fields of 24 characters or less should not be mapped to different columns, as this may cause existing Datamine files to get renamed columns on the next save.


For more information on the individual tabs, select a link from above, or browse the information below:

Files Tab:

The following fields are available on this tab:

Base File Name: enter the base name for the incoming file. A 'base' file name will be used, if appropriate, to automatically generate descriptions for other file names (for example, if you are importing string data (Studio 3 will detect the type of data contained within the imported file), adding a Base File Name will automatically update the Points, Strings and Table file name fields, appending each description with a two-character suffix.

Points/Triangles/Strings/Block Model/Table file: if you have specified a Base File Name, each enabled field description will be automatically generated, using the base name with one of following suffixes:

  • PT - for points files

  • TR - for triangle (wireframe) files

  • ST - for string files

  • BM - for block model files

TheTable File field, by default, carries the same name as the Base File Name, although this, or any, of the automatically generated fields (providing they are enabled for the incoming data type) can be changed.

Generate Extended Precision Files: this option is selected by default, and ensures that incoming numeric data are converted to (or preserved as) floating point values in the resulting data file. If cleared, single precision files will be generated.

Note that this field is only available if you are working in an extended precision project (for more information on precision settings, see Project and File Precision).

Description: All Datamine files have a corresponding description, which can be set here. This description will form part of the file's properties and can be viewed at any time by selecting the file in the Project Files control bar, and right-clicking it to select Properties.

Location: Each linked data file (linked to an external data source), when created, includes a reference to its own location on your PC drive. This path is used when reloading data, or reopening a project. By default, this path is set to the current Project Folder, although this can be amended to store the resulting link file in an area outside of the Project area.

Import Fields Tab:

The following fields are available on this tab:

Fields list: the upper part of this tab contains a list of all non-default fields, found within the external file, that can be filtered during the load process. To omit a data column from being imported, clear the relevant check box next to the field name in the displayed list.

All/None: allows you to select or deselect all of the fields shown in the Fields list.

COLOUR field: use this drop-down list to select the field containing values for color. This is used in Studio 5D Planner for display purposes.

Use default legend for this column: enables Studio 5D Planner to select an appropriate legend for the field that you specified in the COLOUR field drop-down list.

Use Legends to resolve Datamine color values: when selected, the Colour Legend drop-down list is displayed, as well as the Show Legends and Edit Legends buttons.

Colour Legend: allows you to select a legend. By default, the legend associated with the field shown in the COLOUR field drop-down list is selected; otherwise the Standard Datamine COLOUR fields legend is selected.

Show Legend: displays the legend selected in the Colour Legend drop-down list.

Edit Legend: allows you to edit the available legends in the Colour Legend drop-down list.

Rename Fields Tab:

The following fields are available on this tab:

Rename Instructions list: the left side of this tab is used to contain a list of conversion instructions. Any automatically (or previously added) instructions will be shown in the following format:


Note that the NEW NAME should not be longer than 24 characters, and if a string greater than 24 characters is added, it will be automatically concatenated to 24 characters on import.

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This functionality is primarily intended for mapping field names of longer than 8 characters to the 8 character limit required by legacy Datamine applications. It is not recommended that field names which already meet the Datamine binary format criteria of less than or equal to 8 characters are changed, as this may result in legitimate fields being changed, including those loaded from existing Datamine files.


Raise/Lower: select an instruction, and then use the relevant button to move it higher up or lower down the list. Instructions are processed in a linear fashion from top to bottom, with all lower changes superseding earlier ones.

Add: select this button to enter a new conversion instruction.

Edit: select a conversion instruction from the list and click this button to edit the instruction.

Delete: delete a conversion instruction from the list.

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