Legend Box Contents Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties


To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • Activate the Plots window and select the Manage ribbon's Insert | Plot Item | Legend Boxcommand.


The Legend Box Contents dialog is used to define the contents, layout and style properties for a legend box plot item.

Field Details:

Legend: select an existing legend from the drop-down.

Columns: define the number of columns to be displayed in the legend box.

Rows: define the number of rows to be displayed in the legend box.


Fill: tick this checkbox to display the legend items using the legend's Legend Item Format - Fill settings.

Linestyles: tick this checkbox to display the legend items using the legend's Legend Item Format - Linestyle settings.

Symbols: tick this checkbox to display the legend items using the legend's Legend Item Format - Symbols settings.


Spacing: define the spacing (pts) between adjacent legend items.

Draw Lines: tick this checkbox to include grid lines between the displayed legend items.

Include Title Row: tick this checkbox to include a legend box title row (the default is the selected legend's name).

Opaque: tick this checkbox to make the displayed scale bar opaque; clear the check box make it transparent.

Border: tick this box to draw a border around the displayed legend box.

Color: select a legend box border color from the color palette.

Font: click the button to display the Font dialog.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Legend Boxes