Create Plot Template

Plot templates are an efficient way of introducing standard content to your plot or log views. They can be used to minimize the work required in generating a framework presentation project which can be re-used in the future.

Plot templates are created by setting up a plot sheet, optionally with loaded data displayed in 2D or 3D projections, then saving the results as a template.

Plot templates are stored in a native format, with a .dmtpl file extension.

To create a new plot template (.dmtpl) file:

  1. Configure a plot sheet with appropriate projections, plot items and page formatting. If you plan to map data objects to this template later, ensure appropriate data is loaded and represented as expected in the plot sheet.
  2. Display the plot sheet and activate the Manage ribbon.
  3. Select Save to >> Template.
  4. Browse for a suitable location and enter a filename.
  5. Click Save to create a template file.

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