Hole logs

Working with Hole Logs

Working with hole logs

Once a complete set of drillhole data has been imported and desurveyed, the dynamic drillholes may be viewed as scaled hole log plots. Fields may be duplicated, displayed as text or graphs, and fields from more than one table source can be viewed in the same log view including composited and system fields.

If the wizard was used to load the data, a hole log view will have already been created using the default display settings.

Viewing hole logs

  • To view a log, click on the Logs window tab. If the tab has not been activated, select theViewribbon andActivate | Logs

Many formatting options are available for changing the layout and content of log sheet header, columns and footer. To explore the full possibilities for formatting your log sheets have a look at Formatting log sheets.

Log plots may be enhanced by the addition of smart plot items which have in-built intelligence and will adjust automatically to relevant changes to the project. These plot items available include text boxes, legend boxes, tables and clip art images. To learn more about plot items go to Inserting and editing plot items.

Most of the setup options available to plots, including sheet size and orientation, printer margins and plotting scale, are available to logs too. For more information on setting up your log plots, take a look at Changing sheet and view properties.

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Interactively composite drillholes
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