Plot View Configuration

Positioning and Scaling Plot Overlays

Position and scale plot overlays

The overlays inside the data area can be positioned and scaled independently of the section definition and any plot items on the page.

Use theViewribbon'sPancommands to pan the data Left, Right, Up, Down or  With Cursor. The data is clipped at the data area frame (coordinate grid border).

Use View| Scale to change the plotting scale of data inside the data area:

  1. Choose   Fit all data to reset the scale so that all data is visible in the data area.

  2. Choose  Increase scale to .... and  Decrease scale to .... to incrementally increase and decrease the scale.

  3. Choose Custom to set a specific scale.

  4. Choose  Area to select an area you wish to fit to the data area dimensions. Click-and-drag the scale area box with the pointer.

  5. Choose Lock to fix the scale and disable the other scale commands.


note.gif (1017 bytes) Changing the scale only affects drillhole data and 3D objects and will not change the size of plot items like text boxes.  

Smart features

When you change the position and scale of the overlays, the program will automatically update any plot items which are related to the data view including:

  • Co-ordinate grid lines and labels

  • Scale bar

  • Scale fields in title blocks

  • Surface profiles in profile boxes
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Change plot area size and position
Rotate view direction