Report Tables

Report Tables

Report Tables

Your application automatically generates validation and desurvey reports as well as hole summaries.

To view any of these reports, activate the Reports window (View |Windows |Reports) and insert a report sheet by right-clicking in the window and selectingNew Report Sheet...from the context menu.

When data is loaded a report table is automatically generated for each data table which uses the validation column to report any errors. Filtering will remove all the entries that are error free. For example, a collars report table may indicate that "Filtering has removed 15 records". This means that all 15 collars have been read and interpreted correctly. For another table, a report may be given for a particular drillhole that the "From" distance of one of the samples exceeds the "To" distance.

The program will also create a Hole Summary table automatically, which summarizes the desurveying of each hole, its coordinates, its horizontal and its vertical thickness.