Define Project Data Settings

Choose how data is ordered and filtered in the Project Data control bar.

Activity Steps:

  1. Open the Settings screen.
  2. Select the Database Settings >> Project Data tab.
  3. Define the survey data that is shown in the Project Data control bar:

    • To show all data, regardless of its survey date, select All.

      Warning: system performance may be affected if a large number of survey instances are detected in the active database.

    • To show survey data registered in the last 30 days, select Latest.

    • To show survey data registered from a specific date onwards, select Last and choose a number of days.

      Choose to display the most recent survey data, if it is older than the specified range:

      • If including latest if outside range is selected, the most recent survey data will be available, regardless of its age.

      • If including latest if outside range is unselected, no data will be available.

  4. If multiple survey data collections exist for the same data, you can optionally filter to show only the latest available survey data for each date:

    • Select All to show all survey data for a date, even multiple records.

    • Select Latest to only show the latest survey data for each date.

  5. Click OK to update your current project session.

    The Project Data bar and other tasks update to reflect the latest settings.