Manage Stopes

This activity is used to configure stopes for levels displayed on the Declines Settings pane. Stopes are assigned to the Current Level.

Activity Steps:

  1. To create a new stope for the current level:

    1. Click New.

      A new stope is added to the list with a "Stope " prefix and a numeric suffix.

  2. To delete an existing stope:

    1. Select the stope you wish to delete in the list.

    2. Click Delete.

      Warning: Deleting a stope will remove all data associated with it. This cannot be undone.

  3. To rename an existing stope:

    1. Select the item to rename in the list.

    2. Either click Rename or select the same field again to make the field contents editable.

    3. Modify the stope name.

      Note: Stope names must be unique to the level to which they are assigned.

  4. Click OK to return to Declines Settings.