Stope Summary

Collate EOM stope reports

Stope Summary

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Reports ribbon and select Stope | Stope Summary

A stope report summary will contain combined results from stope reports generated by the Stope task.. It is similar to the blasts summary function from the open pit reporting and the development summary.

Generating a combined report is a matter of providing a report title, setting a report date, defining database filters then compiling a list of items to include (and in which order). Reports can be picked from any previously generated PDF output for the currently connected database (all reports from all declines, areas and levels are available).

The Selected Stope Reports list is a subset of the reports shown above. Pick items from top to bottom and, if required, reorder using the move up/down buttons. Items in this list are not affected by filter choices above.

If you want to combine any previously-generated reports (even a combination of open pit and underground), see Combine Reports.


Field Details:

Report Title: the name of the stope report. Also used for the output PDF filename. This field is required, but empty by default.

Report Date: defaulting to today's date, this is the date associated with the combined report.

Available Development Reports: set up your filters and then pick the reports you want from the available list into the selected list below.

Open Pit options include:

- Filter by Decline: if enabled, select a decline from your database to filter data. Only data corresponding to the selected decline will be displayed below.

- Filter by Area: show reports associated with a particular pit area. If disabled, all areas of a development will be displayed.

- Filter by Level: show reports associated with a particular level.

- Filter by Stope shows reports associated with a particular stope.

Date: specify an inclusive date range to filter report selection. By default, both from and to values are the current date.

Latest: if enabled, only the latest report of each type will be listed.

Filters are inclusive: a report will be shown if it passes all specified criteria. Once added to the Selected Reports list, however, it will not be affected by subsequent filter changes.

Select one ore more reports in the Available Reports list (use <CTRL> and <SHIFT> for multiple selections, or left-click-drag) and click "+" to transfer them (in their current order) to the end of the Selected Reports list.

If one report is selected, you can view it using the button on the right (not available if multiple items are selected).

Selected Stope Reports: contains items added from the Available Reports list above. A combined report will be generated using the top-bottom order shown here. You can edit the contents and order of this list using the buttons on the right. If you want to add a PDF document to your report (say, a standard glossary or operations overview) from outside your database, click the "+" button to display a file browser. Add any PDF document in the position you need.

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Documents added from outside the database will be added to the current database when the combined report is Published. Previewing the report will not add files to your database.


The following list editing tools are available:

Add a PDF file to the list from outside the current Database
View a selected report (not available for multiple item selections)
Move the currently-selected report(s) to the top of the list. If multiple items are selected, relative positioning is maintained.
Move the currently-selected report(s) up one position in the list. If multiple items are selected, relative positioning is maintained.
Move the currently-selected report(s) down one position in the list. If multiple items are selected, relative positioning is maintained.
Move the currently-selected report(s) to the bottom of the list. If multiple items are selected, relative positioning is maintained.
Delete the currently selected report(s) from the Selected Reports list.


Preview Combined Report: show a temporary preview of the report to be published. This will be displayed in your default PDF browser or viewing application.

Create Summary: create a summary report and add it to the current database, copying external content if present.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


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