Linking Files to Other Objects

File linking functions

Linking objects to other files  

To link a file to an object:   

  1. Right click the object in the Sheets window (active 3D window sub-folder) and select Properties.

  2. In the Object Properties dialog select the Associated Files tab. For more information on the Object Properties dialog, see Related Topics.

  3. Browse for the file and add a Description. The description will be displayed when you right-click the actual object in the view.

  4. Press the Test button to check that the link works then press the down arrow to apply the file to the object.

  5. Select OK to close the dialog.   

Editing a file

  • To edit a file, select the file to be edited, press the up arrow, make the changes and press the down arrow.   

Delete file

  • To delete a file select it and select the Delete button (the red cross).

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The Object Properties dialog