Texture Drape Settings Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties

Texture Drape Settings Dialog

To access this dialog use one of the following:

  • In the Sheets control bar, active 3D window - Wireframes folder, right-click an object, select Texture Drape Settings.

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The Texture Drape Settings dialog is used to configure the orientation and position of texture images draped over DTM surfaces (wireframes).

Field Details:

Position: use these options to define the texture image origin position.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

These are world coordinates which corresponding to a known location which can be identified on the image; these coordinates are NOT XY pixel coordinates on the image.

: define an X origin coordinate.

Y: define an Y origin coordinate.

Z: define an Z origin coordinate.

Orientation: use these options to define the image orientation.

Azimuth: define the image direction (0-180 degrees).

Dip: define the image dip (-90 to 90 degrees).

Roll: define the roll value (rotation about the Z axis).


Keep Aspect Ratio: make the ratio of the length and width of the image stay the same.

Width: stretch or squash the width of the texture.

Height: stretch or squash the length of the texture.

Use Points: define the texture image position using points; displays the Image Registration dialog.

Apply: apply and preview the currently defined dialog settings without closing the dialog.

OK: apply and save the currently defined dialog settings, close the dialog.

Cancel: cancel the currently defined dialog settings, close the dialog.