adjust-to-gradient ("atg")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
- Edit ribbon >> Condition >> Condition >> Adjust to Gradient.
Surfaces ribbon >> Condition >> Condition >> Adjust to Gradient.
Using the command line, enter "adjust-to-gradient"
Use the quick key combination "atg".
Display the Find Command screen, locate adjust-to-gradient and click Run.
Command Overview
Adjusts a string to fit a gradient. This command modifies the elevations of points on a selected string. Segments after the selected point based on string direction (that is, the increasing PTN values) will match a specified gradient.
Command Steps:
Run the command. If there is no current string, you will be prompted to select one,
Select a reference point on the selected string.
Select the gradient you need.
The string is vertically adjusted so the selected point is on the correct elevation, with all other elevations adjusted to the new gradient.
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