New Hole Set

An explanation of fields and properties

New Hole Set/Add Holes Dialog

To access this dialog:

  • With static drillhole data in memory (see Defining and Building Drillholes), select the Holes control bar and right-click the top-level project icon to select New Set....

  • With Static Drillhole data in memory (see Defining and Building Drillholes), select the Holes control bar and expand the top-level project icon to reveal the available hole sets. Right-click a hole set folder icon and select Add Holes....

  • With Static Drillhole data in memory (see Defining and Building Drillholes), select the Holes control bar and expand the top-level project icon to reveal the available hole sets. Expand a hole set folder (other than 'All Holes') to reveal a list of borehole identifiers. Right-click an identifier and select Insert....

This dialog is used to create new drillhole sets, or to add drillhole data into an existing set.

Field Details:

The New Hole Set dialog contains the following fields:

Add active hole: if a drillhole has been previously copied to the clipboard (by expanding a hole set folder and right-clicking a borehole identification label), this option allows you to add the active hole into the current hole set.

Add all holes: select this option to copy all drillhole data from the default set to the currently selected drillhole set.

Add holes from a table: to add drillhole data from another table that is currently in memory, select this option. Clicking Next after this option has been selected opens the Table Select dialog.

Add holes from another set: to copy drillhole data from a non-default drillhole set, select this option. Clicking Next after this option has been selected updates the dialog to show a list of available hole sets. One of these sets can be selected before clicking OK to copy the data.

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Holes Control Bar Overview