The Start Page

The Start page is the first screen you see when your application starts. It appears as soon as the application has made its license checks and installed the expected profile.

The Start page is a web page embedded within your application. It provides information about the latest released version (if running in online mode) and access to basic project functions.

This topic describes the default Start Page. You can, if you wish, create your own Start page and configure your system to load that one instead. See Environment Options.

Offline vs. Online

There are two versions of the Studio Start page:

  • The offline version contains static content, plus access to project loading and opening commands.

  • The online version displays information about the latest available release, project loading and opening commands plus links to other Datamine online resources such as eLearning.

Your Start page will attempt to detect if a web connection is available before opening an online version of the Start page. This check is performed at system startup. You can swap between online and offline mode at any time (see below).

Start Page Functions

Use the Start page to:

  • Create a new project.

  • Open an existing project.

  • Swap from an offline to an online page version (Internet access required).

  • Access the Customer Support Portal to access latest releases and release notes.

  • View the latest released version's highlights.

  • Access other resources including the Datamine Documentation Website, training information and Support.

To create a new Studio UG project:

  1. Display the Start page (online or offline version).

  2. Select New Project.

    The New Project Wizard displays.

To open an existing project (method 1):

  1. Display the Start page (online or offline version).

  2. Select Open Project.

  3. Locate a project file to open.

  4. Click Open.

    The selected project is loaded.

To open an existing project (method 2):

  1. Display the Start page (online or offline version).

  2. Locate a recently-saved project in the Recent Projects list and click its title.

    The selected project is loaded.

To swap from offline to online mode:

There are two ways to swap from offline to online Start page mode:

  1. Enable Use online systems on the Start page. This only appears on the offline page, then restart the application.

  2. Display Options and enable the Environment tab. Select Use online systems.

Note: The Use online systems setting persists between different sessions of your application.