Studio UG User Interface

Studio UG is a Windows application. This section describes:

  • Startup Behaviour—Profiles, Start page contents, cursor tooltips and 3D window defaults.

  • Screen Layout—Ribbons, data views, control bars, toolbars, managed task panes and customizing your layout.


A range of colour themes are available. Choose the one you want using Look and Feel options.

Display Optimization

Studio UG provides many screens, some with multiple tabs and many fields. To maximize what you see on a screen:

  • Double-click a ribbon tab name to collapse the ribbon area.

  • Customize your ribbons. See Ribbon Customization.

  • Customize the layout of your control bars and automatically display and hide them. See Customizing Control Bars.

  • Use multiple monitors. A minimum resolution of 1024 height and 768 width is supported.