Sequence Control bar

Playing back a sequenced animation

Sequence Control bar

Accessing this control bar:

  • The Sequence control bar is displayed directly below the main 3D  viewing area.

The Sequence control bar controls the playback of animated data the 3D window. Data is based on animation data synchronized with an EPS schedule.

Using the Sequence control bar, you can:

  • Step forward and backward manually through an animation, step-by-step (according to the Step value).

  • Play an animation in forward or reverse direction, based on the M4DANI field value in underlying data.

  • Set the rate and step of your animation.

  • Determine the section to be animated by specifying dates in the Sequence control bar.

  • Easily view the actual calendar dates that relate to the animation currently being displayed.

Field Details

The Sequence Control bar contains the following fields:

Playback buttons:


The following animation controls are available:

  1. Play the animation in reverse order, according to the specified settings.

  2. Rewind the animation by a single step ("step back").

  3. Stop the animation.

  4. Forward the animation by a single step ("step forward").

  5. Play the animation in a forward direction.

  6. Rewind and replay the animation.

Step: the number of frames to skip for each animation frame. If set to 2, for example, frames 1, 3, 5 , 7 etc. will be played. The default value is 1, meaning all distinct animation frames (according to the values set in the M4DANI field) will be played in sequence (forward or reverse).

Rate: the speed at which the animation is played.