Hole Properties

An explanation of fields and properties

Hole Properties

To access this dialog:

  • From the Holes control bar, expand a drillhole object menu and right-click a borehole identifier entry from the list displayed. Now select Properties.

This dialog displays the current desurvey and sample dimension values associated with the selected borehole. This dialog contains two tabs:

Hole Properties Tab Details:

The Hole Properties tab contains the following read-only fields:

Name: the selected drillhole identification.

Collar: the XYZ values of the collar associated with the current drillhole.

End of Hole: the location of the end of the drillhole, in 3D space.

Length: the length of the current drillhole.

Azimuth/Inclination: horizontal rotation (azimuth) and inclination (dip) values of the current drillhole.

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