Charts - Print Preview

Displaying a print preview of your scatter plot or histogram chart

Chart - Print Preview

To access this dialog:

  • In the Histogram, Scatter Plot , Variogram or Stereonet dialog, ensure that toolbar is visible (Show Toolbar)

  • Click Print Preview.

The chart Print Preview dialog is used to visualize your hard copy chart sheet before it is printed.

Using the Print Preview toolbar (situated above the preview of the chart), shown below,


The current preview can be:

  • printed

  • resized (magnified)

  • one or pages selected for a combination preview

  • closed

  • changed to another page of a multi-page preview page set.

note.gif (1017 bytes)

This facility is used for printing out the single chart preview only. It is not possible to print out multi-chart tables using this facility. This is achieved by the master File | Print dialog.

Printing Charts

Once a chart view has been configured to your liking in the Plots window (either as a single- or multiple-chart component), select File | Print. For compound charts, a single page will be printed in all cases, however, if multiple chart components are in view (for example, you are showing the first 3 out of 6 possible charts in a 1 x 3 table), when the File | Print dialog is opened, it will default to print the Selection - in this case, charts 1-3 inclusive. There will be two pages available for printing, which can be printed individually, or you print all pages.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Histogram - Preview
Scatter Plot - Preview