cone-from-string ("cnfs")
See this command in the command table.
To access this command:
Using the command line, enter "cone-from-string"
Use the quick key combination "cnfs".
Display the Find Command screen, locate cone-from-string and click Run.
Command Overview
Generate a wireframe cone from a string. Typically, this cone is used to assess the impact of production deviation from a plan, such as a planned drillhole direction or drive development. This can be useful to assess the potential proximity of development or drilling in relation to other important and known structural milestones such as a stope cavity or other developments.
Command steps:
In the Current Objects toolbar, create a new wireframe object. See Current Objects Toolbar.
Run the command.
In any 3D window, select a string.
Using the Generate Cones screen, define the following parameters:
Deviation Per Unit Length — enter the maximum expected drillhole deviation from plan here. Bigger values create shallower cones (with a greater potential deviation and an increased risk of proximity detection warnings.
Deviation Field — an optional field in the drillhole object that denotes the deviation from plan (potentially per sample).
Start Radius — the deviation from plan at the start of the hole. This can be regarded as the upper cone radius.
Minimum Segment Length. — the minimum possible length of a cone segment from its neighbour. The average sample length is a reasonable guide for this.
Name Field — if specified, this value is added to all wireframe cone segments.
Click OK.
A wireframe cone is created based on the above parameters, starting at the initial string vertex and deviating outwards along the length of the string.
The command completes automatically.
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