create-drive ("cdr")

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Command Description

Extrude a designed profile shape along one or more design strings.

This command uses the Create Drive dialog to define a profile shape and apply it the nominated string data.

Creating a New Profile and Applying it to String Data

  1. Run the command

  2. Select a profile object from the drop-down list, or leave blank to automatically create data as required

  3. To create a new profile, click Add. Data will be stored in the current profile object, or one will be created if no object is available.

  4. Enter the Name of the profile shape you are created (e.g "5x5 Arch")

  5. Select the Profile type, choosing from either:

    •  [Pointlist] - a shape based on a freeform list of vertex positions. This option lets you edit the X or Y positions of any vertex within the profile shape. You can specify positive or negative values, which will be applied with reference to the profile origin, represented by the red cross.

    • [Rectangle] - a shape with a configurable Width and Height.

    • [Circle] - a circle with a configurable Diameter.

    • [Arch] - a shape defined by its Width, Height and Arch Radius.

  6. If the default profile intersection point (represented by a red cross) isn't suitable, you can edit it using the Offset X and Offset Y controls. This facility is available for all Profile type selections. The default position will be used to define the origin of the local coordinates system of the 2D profile.

  7. Choose how to orient the profile along the design string(s), using the Floor plane selection list, choosing from

    • Horizontal

    • East-West

    • North-South

    • West-East

    • South-North

  8. Select one or more strings in any 3D window and click Link Selected Strings to create a 3-dimensional extrusion of the profile along the string.

You can also Import or Export drive profile information, Delete the current profile and Copy a profile to a new object.

For more information on using this command, see Create Drive.

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Create Drive