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Edit ribbon | Condition | Condition | Reduce Points

Solids ribbon | Condition | Reduce Points


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Reduces the number of points in a string by the percentage set using the reduction-percentage command.

 Preselecting data obviates the need to click on multiple items when running this command.


How to Use

  1. Run the reduction-percentage command to set the percentage for point reduction.

  2. Run the reduce-points command, and select the required string.

  3. Repeat if required, and then click Cancel.

  4. Alternatively, select a string or multiple strings before running this command.

note.gif (1017 bytes)  
  • Each selection will reduce the number of points by the specified percentage until the command is canceled or superseded.

  • If the percentage set using the reduction-percentage command is absent (-), then the maximum number of points possible is removed from the string without destroying its overall shape.


  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics

