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Interactive command to rotate wireframe data around one or more axes.

This command rotates data around a point which can be the wireframe center or its centroid, or any user-defined point.

This command can be used to rotate entire wireframe objects or partial wireframe data including selected triangles. Where part of a wireframe object is rptated, Studio will attempt to retain links, preserving the integrity of surrounding data. For example, if part of a volume is rotated, the result will remain as a closed volume.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. Select the wireframe that your wish to rotate. More about wireframe data selection...

  2. Run the command. The Rotate Object dialog will be displayed.

  3. Enter the Rotate By values that you wish to apply to the wireframe in X, Y and Z directions.

  4. Select the point around which the wireframe will be rotated. Center, centroid or use the picking tool to specify a point.

  5. Click Rotate. This will scale the selected wireframe data as specified.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Rotate Object DialogSelecting Wireframes