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Solids ribbon | Operations | Volume


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Reports the volume of a solid wireframe (or wireframe portion), or the volume enclosed by a plane above or below a DTM (or part of a DTM).

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

How to Use

  1. If you plan to calculate the volume of only a subset of wireframe data, you can either select wireframe triangles before or after launching the command, but before performing a volume calculation.

  2. Run the command. The Calculate Volume dialog (below) will open.

  3. Either select the wireframe using either the drop-down or choose to evaluate Selected triangles only.

  4. Set whether the wireframe is closed or an open DTM.

  5. If it is a DTM choose whether you want the volume to be calculated to a plane above or below the wireframe.

    Define the plane by a value in the To field (elevation or Z coordinate).

    If you want an approximate tonnage for the volume, add an estimated average Density value.

  6. Choose if you wish to output your information to a Datamine table. A results object will be created regardless, which can be saved later if required.

  7. Choose the attributes you wish to write to the triangle data of the evaluated wireframe.

  8. Click OK.

note.gif (1017 bytes) The results will be presented in both a Summary of wireframe properties dialog and the Output Window.