Update Components

Components that require updating can be updated individually, in groups of parent and child components, or all at once.

Update Individual Components

Individual components can be updated by clicking Update in one of the following places.

  • On the Main Toolbar.
  • In the Property Panel (only available for some components).
  • Next to the selected component in the Project Tree.
  • In the Component menu, accessed by right-clicking the component in the Project Tree and selecting Component » Update.

Update Multiple Components

Multiple components can only be updated from the Main Toolbar. Multiple components can be updated in one of the following ways.

  • Update All Components – Updates every component that requires updating in the project.
  • Update Descendant Components – Updates all child components of the component selected in the Project Tree, including the selected parent component.

Tip: Hover the mouse over any of the Update All Components or Update Descendant Components buttons to see how many components will be updated by that process.