Configure Variogram Fan Settings

The Fan tab provides options for configuring the presentation of Variogram Fans.

Activity Steps

  1. Display the Variogram Fan.
  2. Select the Fan tab in the Property Panel.
  3. Configure the following settings as required. 
    • Radial field group:
      • Segment Spacing – Spacing between the radial segments on the fan. The greater the distance, the fewer segments are viewed for any given fan. This is a presentation option only and does not affect the calculations in any way.
      • Maximum Separation – Maximum radial distance at which the fan and variograms display.
      • Auto – Whether to set the separation to the distance to which the variograms have been calculated.
    • Show field group:
      • Variogram Type – They type of variogram to use. See Variogram Types and Data Transformations.
      • Lag bar – Whether to display the lag bar on the variogram fan.
      • Lag size – Whether to display the lag size on the variogram fan.
      • Directional label – Whether to display the directional label on the variogram fan.
      • Legend – Whether to display the legend on the variogram fan.
    • Options field group:
      • Abbreviate direction labels – Whether to abbreviate directions on the fan to N, S, E, W, UP or DOWN where appropriate. Directions in the form 00→### display as ###.
      • Standardise gamma values – Whether to standardised gamma values to a sill of 1.0 by dividing the gamma values by the (co)variance.
      • Redraw fan while dragging – Whether to redraw the fan while adjusting the lag size with the yellow bar.
      • Colour variograms – Whether to use the fan colour key to colour the gamma points on the variogram plots.
    • Protractor field group:
      • Dir of max continuity – Angle in degrees that defines the maximum continuity in this plane.
      • Granularity – Minimum angular amount by which the protractor can be changed (for example, a value of 5 causes the protractor angle to be rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 degrees). The granularity must be set to a value between 0 and 45 degrees.
    • Contouring field group:
      • Contour models – Whether to contour (auto-fitted) variogram models or the raw gamma values.
      • Colour key – Select a user-defined Colour Key for your variogram. The colour is applied on the assay that is associated with the variogram, or the assay that can be selected for the colour key.
      • Line width
      • Min pair count – Minimum number of pairs used in the construction of the contours for the fan (must be a positive integer).
      • Minimum – Lowest standardised variance value to be contoured. A value of * implies no lower restriction.
      • Maximum – Highest standardised variance value to be contoured. A value of * implies no upper restriction.
      • Interval – Intervals at which the contours are drawn. Must be set to between 10-6 and 1.