Contact Analysis Boundary Classification

This section explains the type of boundary classifications calculated in Supervisor during contact analysis.

Note: The calculations and boundary type displayed in the Regression Statistics on the Contact Analysis plot are meant to assist you with your interpretation, but shouldn't be considered to be completely correct.

Classification Domain K   Domain K1
Significant Trend

P95(d) < P5(0)


P5(d) > P95(0)

Hard Boundary P95(0) < M(0)
M(0) < P5(0)
Hard Non-Stationary Hard boundary and at least one domain has a significant trend
No Boundary No trend   No trend
M(0) < P95(0)
Soft Boundary P95(0) > P5(0)
P5(0) < P95(0)
At least one domain has a significant trend

Contact boundary types


Programs to Aid the Decision of Stationary, B. J. Wilde (2011). Centre of Computational Geostatistics (CCG) Guidebook Series, Vol 14, P34.