Set Nested Structures on a Variogram Model

After setting the nugget value on the downhole variogram model, you need to specify a number of structures to fit the variogram to the model. Supervisor allows you to set up to three structures to better fit your model to your data.

Important: Do not alter the nugget on any of the directional variogram models. The nugget should be set on the downhole variogram model, before setting structures on the directional variogram models. For more information, see Set the Nugget on a Variogram Model.

To add new structures:

  1. Click the variogram model in the Project Tree.
  2. Select the Configure Model Settings in the Property Panel.
  3. Check the 1, 2 or 3 check box.
  4. Select a model type from:
    • Spherical
    • Exponential
    • Gaussian
    • Power
    • Hole effect
    • Dampened hole effect


The draggers are labelled with an abbreviation of their structure type and the current parameters of the structure in brackets.

If you are modelling a cross-variogram, you should only use structures that have been applied to the corresponding univariate variogram models.

To set structures on the variogram model:

  1. Click the variogram model in the Project Tree.
  2. Click and drag the structure dragger to the desired location.

To set structures in the model tab:

  1. Click the variogram model in the Project Tree.
  2. Select the Model tab in the Property Panel.
  3. Enter the Variance and Range in the fields next to the relevant structure.